Here's what you need to know if you are interested in our exclusive membership.
Membership enables you to gain privileged access to the most elite escorts London has to offer. These highly desirable models offer a priority booking service where exclusive discount rates are available as advised by Very High End. You will also be able to browse our candid and natural galleries featuring unmodified photography including pictures of the ladies faces.We have large porfolio of high class London escorts and international premium models not listed in members gallery. Additional porfolio's can be sent via whatsapp or any other desirable method.
We observe strict confidentially and uphold the right to privacy of all members. We use security and encryption to protect any and all personal information so you need not worry about your details being passed on, or revealed to third parties.
In order to become a member as well as stay our member you must be an existing customer with at least 5 bookings made during a year.
Our frequent and repeated customers will be treated to complimentary membership if desired.
Membership for non regular customers is not longer available to be purchased. You simply need to became regular client of Very High End escort agency.
Please supply a valid email address with your application so that we can contact you. All membership requests are reviewed discretely and quickly. We will contact you when your membership application has been approved via the method you specify in order to gain access to Vip escorts portofolio.
We will only contact back people that has booked with us before. If you have any other enquires please use contact form and we will assist you as soon as we can.
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